Femke Cornelissen

Teamlead Modern Work and Adoption at Tredion

Femke Cornelissen is Teamlead Modern Work and Adoption at Tredion - a company with a focus on the SME market. She is also the co-founder and Community Manager of Dutch Women in Tech (DWIT). Femke's goal with DWIT is to connect women in tech and help to inspire young women to choose a job in IT. Women can connect through the community in Microsoft Teams and various on- and offline events.

Femke is the host of Microsoft Talks on Twitter Spaces where different topics of the Microsoft platform are discussed every week. This new way to connect gives everyone a change to speak and discuss Microsoft solutions. Femke is also a Microsoft 365 blogger with only Dutch content. Her goal is to organize, speak and attend conferences to learn, connect and share knowledge with others.

Past sessions:

Modern workplace Updates

Modern workplace Updates


Femke Cornelissen Femke Cornelissen
Albert-Jan Schot Albert-Jan Schot


Join us for some event pre-fun and test your knowledge about Ignite and win...

Rayta van Rijswijk Rayta van Rijswijk
Femke Cornelissen Femke Cornelissen